Texas Shooting: What Happened and What You Can Do

Get the facts, support those affected, vote for change.

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2017


As Vox reports, a gunman on Sunday killed 26 people and injured at least 20 others in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. The shooter is dead following a brief chase.

According to Buzzfeed News, the victims ranged from 18 months to 77 years old, and many of them are children or teenagers. Texas’s governor says it’s the deadliest mass shooting in state history.

On behalf of the DoSomething staff and community, our hearts go out to everyone affected by this awful tragedy and gun violence of any kind.

We can’t just offer condolences and move on. It’s been just over a month since a mass shooting in Las Vegas killed 58 people and injured 515. It’s been over five years — and 1,500 mass shootings — since the Sandy Hook massacre left 26 dead. In that time, Congress has made zero meaningful progress on preventing gun violence. This has to end with us. Right here. Right now. Here’s what you can do.

Avoid Fake News

The internet is spreading a lot of misinformation and hoaxes about the shooter’s identity, religion, and motives (which are still unknown). Use these tips from Mashable on how to avoid being part of the fake news problem.

To stay informed, read coverage from local San Antonio news station, KSAT, which is offering continuing updates as new information emerges. Buzzfeed News is also providing live updates.

Practice Self-Care

If you need to talk to someone immediately, visit Crisis Text Line, an anonymous 24/7 crisis hotline. If you’re looking to cope and help others do the same, use this resource.

Also, show support for friends and family members who have been affected by gun violence. As DoSomething member and gun violence prevention activist Jessica Jin says, “Every time gun violence is in the news, they are re-traumatized.”

Support the Victims and Their Community

Encourage friends and family to donate to the Sutherland Springs Victims’ Fund, which is providing support to the families of survivors and victims. You can also donate directly to the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs through another certified GoFundMe page.

Vote for Change

There have been over 1,500 mass shootings in the US since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, and Congress has done NOTHING.

Many of the victims of the Texas shooting are children or teenagers, which is tragic but not surprising: Gun violence is the third leading cause of death for young Americans. Yet when asked, 85% of young people feel their voices are silenced in the debate over solutions.

Your vote is your voice. At least 100 million Americans — 1 in 3 people — have a district, city, or state election November 7, 2017. Want change? Elect new people. Enough of politicians who have stayed silent on gun violence — vote for officials who promise to take a stand on this issue and other issues that matter to you.

DoSomething.org is the largest tech company exclusively for young people and social change. We’re activating 5.5 million young people (in every US area code and in 131 countries!) to make positive change both online and off.

